
Showing posts from May, 2018


We all are associated with the fear of something. Fear is what makes you paralyze while you are alive. Fear not only stops a person from accomplishing his/her tasks but also makes one more depressed and nervous. There are different types of words that are associated with the fear. So, let's check out today different types of fear and the words which are associated with them. 1.ARACHNOPHOBIA = FEAR OF SPIDERS. 2.AEROPHOBIA = FEAR OF FLYING. 3.AMATHOPHOBIA = FEAR OF DUST. 4.KERAUNOPHOBIA = FEAR OF THUNDER. 5.MELANOPHOBIA = FEAR OF THE COLOR BLACK. 6.ORNITHOPHOBIA = FEAR OF BIRDS. 7.PYROPHOBIA = FEAR OF FIRE. 8.SELENOPHOBIA = FEAR OF MOON. 9.TACHOPHOBIA = FEAR OF SPEED.


We come across different types of words in our day-to-day life. But have you ever wondered what we call the smell of earth after rain? The fear of the number 13 and so on. We are here to take you on the journey of some of these beautiful words that you may not have come across before. Here is the list- 1.PETRICHOR - The pleasant smell of earth after rain. 2.INEFFABLE - Too great to be expressed in words. 3.TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA - Fear of the number 13. 4.TOSKA - A dull ache of the soul. 5.HABROMANIA - Delusions of happiness. 6.SHOSHIN - The practice of looking at life with wonder. 7.ETHEREAL - Extremely delicate light, not of this world. 8.PAROXYSM - A Sudden outburst of emotion. 9.SARANG - The feeling of wanting to be with someone until death. 10.IDIOCRACY- Government by idiots. 11.PHILOPHOBIA - Fear of falling in love or being in love. 12.QUIETUS - An end, death. 13.TORPID - Dormant or lazy. 14.LIBEROSIS - The desire to care less about things. 15.KOMOREBI


SOME OF THE PHILES AND THEIR MEANING. Phile denotes attracted to or a person's love towards some particular things. We will look here for some of the Philes and their meaning. 1. Autophile - Refers to a person who loves solitude and like to be alone. 2. Astrophile - Refers to a person who loves stars and astronomy. 3. Bibliophile - Lover of the books. 4. Chionophile - A person who loves cold weather. 5. Dendrophile - Lover of the trees and forests. 6. Hodophile - A lover of roads, generally refers to the one who likes to travel. 7. Hippophile - Lover of the horses. 8. Logophile - A person who loves words. 9. Nyctophile - A person who loves night and darkness. 10. Oenophile - A person who is a connoisseur of wines. 11. Pluviophile - A person who loves rain. 12. Photophile - A person who loves light. 13. Retrophile - Refers to the person who loves aesthetics from the past. 14. Selenophile - Refers to the person who loves the